Thank you for your message!
The therapist of your choice or the best-fit therapist will get back to you between right away to within 48 hours.
Please check your spam or junk folder if you don’t hear from us.
A note about our therapists availability: At our practice, we prioritize your well-being by hiring only qualified therapists in their niche. This means that the therapist you wish to work with might not offer in-person sessions or offer only limited number of in-person sessions if they are not located close to Burlington (our therapist resides across Ontario).
We encourage you to try online sessions with your chosen therapist as this can provide you with the same level of exceptional care and support from the comfort of your own home. You can also discuss hybrid sessions as well (online and in-person sessions) with your therapist.
Thank you for choosing to work with us!
ONLINE Sessions only: Vrusahlee, Caroline, Kaitlyn, Erin, Maria
IN-PERSON and ONLINE Sessions (3344 Mainway): Syeda, Anumeet, Samantha
IN-PERSON and ONLINE Sessions (4145 North Service Rd.): Vidhi, Krista
Want to know how to get the most out of your consultation call? Click here to read blog post.